News and Articles

Project Update: Pinnacle Credit Union Branch

February 26th, 2024

Pinnacle Credit Union’s Benjamin E. Mays Branch in the Cascade Heights District of City of Atlanta, Georgia reaches the renovation finish line and the community is greatly pleased with the results as well as the newly located Pinnacle Credit Union!

Facebook posting this week from a local neighbor: “Cascade Heights is winning! A credit union recently RESTORED (!!!) this beautiful old bank in our retail district. I believe that it was built as a Fulton Federal Savings & Loan in the 1960s. We are so fortunate that the new owners have completely respected the mid century architecture and no gray paint!” – 130 likes and climbing.

CBI Offers Pro Energy Efficiency Audit Program

February 2nd, 2024

Is Your Facility in Need of an Energy Audit?
An energy audit is often the first step in making your commercial building more efficient. CBI can provide you with a complimentary assessment of your commercial building so that you can make economical energy improvements that are environmentally responsible and provide a tangible return on investment. Current energy saving pursuits by a number of our clients are:

  1. LED Interior and Exterior Lighting Fixture Retrofit
  2. EV Stations – Electric vehicle charging stations for customers/members and employees.
  3. PhaseChange ENRG Blanket
    1. BioPCM material to reduce overall energy consumption by 8-12%, HVAC consumption by 25-35%
    2. Blankets are installed above the drop ceiling of any commercial space

Goals of an Energy Audit
Identify energy-saving opportunities / Take advantage of local, state and federal energy credits and rebates / Increase property values / Lower ownership costs thru energy efficiency and maintenance savings / Advance environmental stewardship / Promote health & safety/ Solid Return on Investment (ROI)

Schedule Your Free Evaluation
Contact Scott at to schedule your free evaluation! We can provide you with past case studies to review.

For your better tomorrow, save energy today.

CBI and MyGeorgia Credit Union prepare for new Gainesville Branch Buildout

January 5th, 2024

Gainesville, Georgia based MyGeorgia CU is furthering the design process with Consultants and Builders, Inc. on the buildout of their new Gainesville Branch. CBI designers are collaborating with the MyGeorgia team to promote a more encompassing engagement with members and the surrounding community.

We are excited to be currently working with MyGeorgia Credit Union on multiple projects in the southeast.

Caro Federal Credit Union’s Greenville, South Carolina Branch Renovation and Member Open House

December 19th, 2023

Caro Federal Credit Union held on Friday, December 8th a Member Appreciation Day and Open House for the recently remodeled Greenville, SC Branch adjacent to St. Francis’ Downtown Hospital.

In attendance throughout the day was Caro FCU Board Members, Executive staff, employees, members, hospital staff, and neighbors. The recent branch construction journey was discussed regarding initial design inception for the renovation through the grand finale of the branch prototype Caro FCU envisioned.

Caro FCU President and CEO, Anne Shivers, thanked all that collaborated on the branch design effort and construction work, as well as employees and members foresight on the stunning transformation.

CBI designers worked in concert with Caro FCU Executives to create this engaging space for employees and members. We appreciate the continued collaboration as Caro FCU thrives and look forward to future projects.

Upstate Federal Credit Union – Pendleton, SC Groundbreaking Ceremony

December 18th, 2023

December 16th, midmorning, brought brisk temperatures, yet a dedicated crowd for the Upstate FCU groundbreaking of its new Pendleton, SC branch. Located on a prominent corner near La France Industries off Gerli Street and Highway 76, the site includes existing 100+ year old oaks for an equally dramatic setting.

Consultants and Builders, Inc., Upstate FCU’s Design+Build partners, is excited for the continued collaboration on the prototype 3,500 square foot facility that will be a welcome addition to the ever growing main travel artery between Clemson and Anderson.

President of Upstate FCU, Donna Metz, was joined by Board Vice-Chair, Greg Silver with separate, inspiring opening remarks. CBI SVP of Design, Scott Foerst, shared a brief history of the journey from initial meeting, through design inception and selections, resulting in the legacy project for future employees, credit union members, and the community at large.

Onwards and upwards!

Neighbors United FCU Groundbreaking Ceremony

November 16th, 2023

On a crisp November 10th midmorning, Neighbors United Federal Credit Union celebrated the groundbreaking of its new Saluda, SC branch to be located on a prominent corner lot at S. Main Street and Bonham Road. Consultants and Builders, Inc. is excited for the continued collaboration on the prototype 1,800 square foot facility that will be a welcome addition to the ever progressing downtown landscape.

President and CEO of Neighbors United FCU, Elizabeth Orama, was joined by City of Saluda Mayor, Miliken Mathews, City Council members, Credit Union Board members, employees, and CBI’s CEO, President, and design team.


The partnership First City Bank has with CBI has been excellent. CBI is an extremely professional and competent organization. Their work force is both personable and efficient and their work ethic is second to none.
First City Bank
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