News and Articles

San Antonio Citizens FCU’s Operations Center

December 23, 2019

Schematic designs are progressing for San Antonio Citizens Federal Credit Union’s planned Operations Center to be located in San Antonio, FL.  This expanded campus will benefit members with convenient services adjacent to the existing Main Branch and provide a vibrant and enjoyable environment for employees.  Architecturally the planned center will reflect the surrounding residential scale and aesthetically echo many of the details found on current and recent projects created for expanding San Antonio Citizens Federal Credit Union’s area resources.  We are excited by their vision and growth.

Five Star Credit Union Selects CBI to Design and Furnish New Operations Center

November 12, 2019

Five Star Credit Union headquartered in Dothan, AL., one of the largest credit unions in Georgia and Alabama, has selected Consultants and Builders, Inc. to design and furnish the interiors of a new administration and operations center. The facility will encompass 45,000 square feet of space.  The building was formerly occupied by a big box retail store housing a major chain outdoors store.  It will replace the previous two story main office in downtown Dothan. Both operations and executive functions will be located in the building. To reflect the occupancy of the credit union, the building will undergo both interior and exterior renovations. A state of the art call center will be housed in the new facility.

Five Star Credit Union serves over 44,000 members. The credit union serves its members through full service branches located in 18 counties across Georgia and Alabama.  The credit union was founded in 1964 in Cedar Springs, GA as the Cedar Springs Federal Credit Union. It was chartered to serve the employees of the Great Southern Paper Company. Today, Five Star serves with a community charter stretching from Dothan to Brunswick, GA.

San Antonio Citizens FCU Partners with CBI

September 16, 2019

San Antonio Citizens Federal Credit Union located in San Antonio, FL is the oldest financial institution in Pasco County, Florida.  With $227 million in assets and above average capital, this growing credit union has partnered with Consultants and Builders, Inc. to plan, design, build, and renovate facilities as they continue to provide enhanced service to their nearly seventeen thousand members.  Among the current projects is a new main office/operations center to be located on property adjacent to the existing main office, renovation and update of a branch, and the addition of a branch expanding their existing service area footprint.

Project Update: CORE Credit Union

August 15, 2019

CORE Credit Union’s new main office in Statesboro, GA is under construction and scheduled to be complete in the 4th quarter of 2019.

MidSouth Community FCU Selects CBI to Design and Build New Branch

August 6, 2019

MidSouth Community Federal Credit Union, established in 1936, is located in Macon, GA and is a community charter credit union with $285,000,000 in assets, serving 40,000 members from 9 locations in central Georgia. The credit union chose CBI as its partner to design and build a new branch in Warner Robins as part of a program to update and enhance their overall market presence.  The Warner Robins branch is part of a long-term plan for expansion within the market area. This partnership includes the renovation of MidSouth Community FCU’s  Milledgeville, GA branch.

The exceptional branch site is an out-parcel located near a major high traffic intersection in a rapidly growing commercial corridor.  The unique exterior design of this 3,212 square foot, free-standing branch reflects the warm Craftsman architectural styles reflective of the nearby growing community while the tower entrance element maximizes visibility and marketing opportunities.  A traditional teller line utilizes advanced teller recycling machines.  The design includes two drive up lanes plus an advanced ATM.  The efficient design lowers construction cost, while the integration of advanced technology maximizes operational efficiency and return on investment.

Visit Us at The Southeast CU Conference & Expo

June 17, 2019

CBI will be exhibiting at the upcoming Southeast CU Conference & Expo, June 19-21 in Orlando, FL. SCUCE is one of the premier credit union conferences in the country. Please stop by to visit Norman & John at booth #505.


As it turned out, CBI was not only our contractor, they were also our partners in the project. From start to finish they were attentive and thorough.
Panhandle Educators Federal Credit Union
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