LGE Community Credit Union Receives Excellence Award

October 27, 2015

LGE Community Credit Union in Marietta, GA was recently honored with an Excellence Award, which recognizes innovative solutions optimizing credit union performance.

The award was presented by the Credit Union National Association (CUNA) Operations, Sales & Service Council, a national network comprised of more than 900 credit union operations, sales & service professionals across the United States. Awards are given in each of four categories, including Sales & Service Management, Branch Design, Contact Center/E-Support, and Miscellaneous.

LGE Community Credit Union won the Miscellaneous category for its entry, entitled “A Smarter Way to Bank.”  The evolution of a modern branch that offers convenient, efficient banking with an enhanced member experience. The entry focused on LGE’s success within the last five years of offering new and innovative technology and delivery channels, designing and operating more efficient branches, and developing and growing front line staff while growing in asset size and improving overall efficiency. This approach has led to 19% loan growth and 5% member growth from 2013 to 2014.

CBI has performed design-build or renovation services for all of LGE Community Credit Union’s facilities. The credit union’s sixth branch in Canton, GA is currently under construction and scheduled to be complete in December. “We are very proud of our relationship with a credit union such as LGE Community Credit Union that provides such a vital contribution to the community. It has been a pleasure to work with this team of experienced bankers and community leaders and we look forward to continuing our partnership with them, said Tyler Williams, President, Consultants & Builders, Inc. (CBI).

The OpSS Council Excellence Award recognizes and honors credit unions for their leadership and vision in Operations, Sales and Service in the credit union industry,” said Steve Stryker, Chair of the Awards Committee for the CUNA OpSS Council.  We were overwhelmed by the amazing stories all of the entrants shared with us and they should be proud of what they have achieved. Whether it is remaking a branch for the 21st Century, running creative sales campaigns or delivering outstanding results in their contact center, their creativity and originality can inspire us all.


CBI always followed through with what they said would be done and when they said it would be done. I would highly recommend CBI to any company looking to design and build a financial institution.
Nucor Employee's Credit Union
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