Meet CBI

The key to CBI’s success, and our clients satisfaction, is our people.  CBI’s personal, passionate investment in the long-term success of our clients offers the highest quality and return on investment. Our skilled and responsive professionals deliver unparalleled experience across a broad array of planning, building, management, and retail delivery disciplines. We answer our clients’ growth challenges with proven solutions designed to increase efficiency, reduce cost and add value throughout.

CBI is large enough to have specialized staff for each particular aspect of your project, but small enough to guarantee significant owner involvement from start to finish.  From the planning stage of your facility through occupancy you will be working with the owners of CBI. CBI’s principals’ direct involvement in every aspect of the business ensures the smooth flow and success of your project.

Click here to learn about our executive team


CBI designed and built one of the most unique and beautiful facilities you will see anywhere, and the quality of the construction is immediately apparent when you walk in the door.
Nantahala Bank & Trust
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